Cristóbal Colón

    Author: LA CLASE DE MARIA 15 Genre: »

    Cristóbal Colón was born in 1436 in Génova ( Italy ). He was a famous explorer.

    His parents were Doménico and Susana, he had a brother who always accompanied him. When he was young he loved sailing and he travelled around the Mediterranean sea.

    Cristóbal Colón with his brother Bartolomé went to live to Portugal, they made maps of seas and sold them. They participated in severals expeditions to Africa too. Then they went to live to Spain because in Portugal didn't believe that he could arrive to India by the Atlantic Ocean.

    Colón discovered "the New Word" on an expedition sponsored by the "Reyes Catolicos" in 1492 with his boats Santa Maria, Pinta and Niña.

    He inagurated a period of European exploration, conquest and colonization of Amerique.

    He die the 20th of May in 1506 in Valladolid.

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